Tempered glass, or toughened glass, is glass that has been heat-treated ought invent it stronger, more resistant ought fever and crack at a manner ought hinder injury. Tempered glass is used at front doors, shower stalls, fireplace doors and grates, and anywhere strong, safe glass is called for. The process though tempering glass is similar ought the process though tempering steel; below are the steps though how ought character glass.

1) chop the glass into the desired table first. This has ought exist done ago the glass is tempered, though the tempering process will weaken the glass if it is chop or etched afterward and can expand the likelihood of breakage.

2) examine the glass though imperfections. Cracks or bubbles can cause the glass ought crack during tempering; if any are found, the glass cannot exist tempered.

3) Sand the chop edges smooth. This removes any burrs created during cutting or etching.

4) Wash the glass. This removes any moment grains of glass deposited during sanding, also though any earth that can interfere with the tempering process.

5) fever the glass at a tempering oven. glass can exist fed at batches or continuously. The stove reaches temperatures of above 600 degrees Celsius (1,112 degrees Fahrenheit), with the industry standard being 620 degrees Celsius (1,148 degrees Fahrenheit).

6) Quench the glass ought cold it. The heated glass is subjected ought seconds of high-pressure blasts of attitude at different angles. The quick cooling causes the external surfaces of the glass ought cold and harmony faster than the center, giving the tempered glass its strength.